child with light

I wanted to work with only available light and get a thoughtful photo of my daughter.
Canon EOS 40D
F stop 4.5
ISO 800
No flash
Photoshop edited

Posted by K Garza on Sat, 09/08/12 12:21
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Comments by Jan Bjorklund on Sat, 09/08/12 18:59

There is a thoughtful feel to your image with the nature of your daughter's pose. One just wishes that the perspective had been slightly lower to bring out what your daughter is holding in her hands... with her hair darkened by the quality of the light I might have dropped the view to include more of the lower right hand corner and cut right through the hair without lost of the contemplative... thoughtful... feel of your portrait of your daughter.

Comments by Jacky on Tue, 09/11/12 12:53

As a practical light source, the Christmas lights (is that what they are? I'm not sure...) draw too much attention to themselves (IMO). They're too hot in this photo, taking the focus away from your daughter, who is lovely, btw. For me, it's just too hot at the bottom... It's not a bad photo, though. You might try toning down the hotness to see if you like the results. With Photoshop, you can lessen the intensity of the hi-lights without effecting the rest of the photo too much.

Comments by K Garza on Tue, 09/11/12 16:19

Thanks, that is why I wanted to keep the Christmas lights (you were right) out of the photo. I am not experienced enough with Photoshop to work things like hotspots out, but I am learning. Each critique allows me to look at things like this more critically. Thanks!

Comments by K Garza on Sat, 09/15/12 10:26

Okay, so I followed your suggestion and lowered the contrast. I think you were right and I did know how to do that after all.